The Imagine Project

“...I was under the impression that because baby was deaf, he would miss out on music altogether.”

Rhythm is intrinsic to sign language and is already present in body movement. Sign language is therefore a natural fit with the language of music and together they support the development of cognitive fluency.

A recurring comment we hear from parents is that they feel that having a deaf child means that they will not be able to access music. The Imagine Project proves that this is not the case. 

Designed for parents of deaf children, and developed originally in partnership with Roehampton University, a series of 10 music videos have been created for you and your child to enjoy together. An accompanying PDF below has also been produced to guide parents through the songs.  Each song features simple, key everyday signs for you to learn to develop confidence and communication. 

Music should be fun and these songs incorporate play and movement to encourage interaction and language development. Play with facial expressions, visuals and props and let your imagination run wild - there are no rules, have fun!

If you would like to see examples of how you can engage your child/children you can watch our families interacting with the songs here: (Imagine Project Families Youtube Link

We’d like to thank Birkdale Trust for their funding which allowed us to create these very special videos.

Thanks to our project partners:

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The Calypso Project