Ruth Montgomery Artistic Director

Ruth Montgomery
Artistic Director

Through her work as a professional musician, Ruth proves that music is not just auditory in nature.  Coming from a musical family and having studied at the Royal Welsh College of Music for her B.Mus honours degree in music and flute performance, she is a flautist, music teacher and workshop practitioner.  For 17 years, Ruth has established a successful teaching practice from early years to working with young musicians at advanced levels. As a visionary artist and Clore Leadership fellow, she has also developed professional relationships with arts, music and media organisations locally, nationally and worldwide.

At Audiovisability, Ruth’s vision is of a more cohesive society, which recognises the innate talent of deaf musicians and visual artists through the forging of partnerships and innovative thinking.


Lucy Dunkerley, Chair

Lucy Dunkerley, Chair

Martin Glover, Trustee

Martin Glover, Trustee

Allan Mackillop, Trustee

Allan Mackillop, Trustee

Bryony Parkes, Trustee

Bryony Parkes, Trustee

Since 2016, we have worked with 47 professional musicians and visual artists, 14 partner organisations, 3 deaf film makers, 15 sign language professionals, and 112 days of exhibitions.